
martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Hi there! 

Check this video I made for English Typologies class!-->A Brave Soul

Now look at this screencast that I did with my favorite webtools -----> WEB TOOLS

Check this prezi ---> PREZI: Analisis del discurso

I remember when I learned how to make 5 paragraphs easays this was one of the the first ones --->  


     Last week, a 12 year old boy was found dead in the restrooms of a public school in Cartagena. Five 15 year old guys would hit him until death, the police says. Bulling is growing up day by day starting from a simple joke and finishing with a tragedy like the one mentioned before. It’s time to do something about this phenomenon. Everyone should take part in the solution: schools, parents, and students as well.

     A research done by the national government of education said that only the 4.5% of schools in our city have programs that look for prevent and control bulling in their schools . School mayors have the big responsibility of making a school work correctly. Their role is indispensable at school, and it’s worthy, however sometimes the high quantity of work they have or their pretty busy agendas keep them out of thinking about bulling.

     Schools are not the only ones who have to do something about bulling, parents too. Most of the boys are taught to be brave and not letting anyone to bother them, this is the reason why many of them become bulling. Another thing that happen is that parents seem extremely busy to talk to their children, ask them if everything is ok at school, if they feel ok, if someone is bothering them.  Children tend to feel that they are guilty for everything that happens. That’s why parent shouldn’t be careless about them.  When there is love and communication at home there are fewer possibilities for bulling to appear in our children life.

     Finally, students are also crucial in the bulling prevention and control. Most of the students that notice that someone is bulling in the classroom wouldn’t do anything. Why? Well, it seems to be that if someone says something the bulling will be against him. I wonder what you would do if you were in the same situation.

   There is no doubt that bulling is not only a school responsibility. Parents and students have to give their best to control and prevent this cruel problematic.

Then I started writting Descriptive easays. Love this one --->

Chicken Pizza with Champignons

When it’s time to dinner out I always choose eating pizza, but not any pizza it must be Chicken pizza with champignons. How it looks, the smell, the sound it produces when you bite it and how it tastes… everything is delicious.
The chicken, the champignons, tomatoes, peppers and unions, beautifully dress the golden, soft and crunchy flour.  The particular smell produced of the combination of these amazing ingredients makes me feel very hungry.
When you first bite it, the pizza’s borders will make a funny crunchy sound.
You can feel how it becomes softer when you continue eating. Start tasting the flavor of the combination of ingredients, the chicken and champignons make a wonderful combination because champignons make chicken’s flavor stronger and more delicious. The tomatoes give it a sweet taste and peppers will make it a little spicy.
In Conclusion Chicken with Champignons’ pizza will awaken all of you senses, don’t forget to have a nice beverage with it, I always have it with sprite soda. 

Methodology and Didactics Class

Now, it is time to speak a Little bit about my experience with Methodology and Didactics class. Let’s start with the pros. The good thing about Multimedia and didactics class is that my classmates and I were able to learn about awesome and vary useful web tools like Podcasts, blogs, wikis, Facebook and others more. Not only that, we also learned how to use them in our future classes and how to take the most of them. I have to say that I have grown a lot in the use of these powerful web tools. My favorite one is -of course- podcasts. I was very fascinated with the sensation of been making radio. Finally the cons of this class is that sometimes it was kind of tedious to do the assignments by the first time but once we got used to it the task became easier to follow.   

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014


Most uses of Facebook by teachers are grounded in the creation of either public but usually private
groups on the site where classes can exchange information, write on each other's walls, answer questions, and create a shared space of materials for the course.

On the Facebook page, students can get information on new books, links to interesting articles that deal with reading or about interesting videos, articles, newspaper, technology or social media, photos of events, and links to interviews with authors.

Ning is a great tool to develop different skills. You can comment and discuss about many topics and  your students can participate at the same time you can do a great deal from a classroom perspective with Ning. It's a great environment for students to test out their writing skills for a dedicated audience, and the many ways in which members can comment and interact provide some great opportunities to discuss the ethics and safety that go along with connecting online.

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

If there is one thing certain it  is that  the explosion in the last few years of multimedia publishing on the web is going to continue.Podcasts does not have to be limited to school or community audience. There are some great examples of kids making their learning transparent for others. Or how about students teaching students. This is what all this is about: being able to share what you create with others

Before you get your students podcasting .I would urge you to try it out first, I think you need to experience what you are asking you students to do 

The easiest place for teachers and students to begin experimenting with creating and publishing content other that text is with digital photography, a technology that is coming more and more accessible every day. What better way to celebrate the good work that students do every day than by putting it online for all (or some) to see?.
In Flickr you could easily post 500 images per month without too much worry. Flickr does allow for the creation of private groups where you and your students (and other invited guest) can work in your own space, you can also turn off discussion on any or all of the photo that you submit
The “annotation feature” which allows you to add notes to parts of the image and the best thing about Flickr is that the vast majority of the photo on the site are appropriate for all. But the real power of Flickr lies in the ways it can connect people from around the world. This can be done in a safe way without students divulging any personal information.
Not only can you make it so that the photos you upload to Flickr open up to the place where they were taken on Google Earth, but you can begin to see all the other Flickr photos that have been taken in that same spot as well. You start by finding the exact latitude and longitude of where a picture was taken
using Flickr to connect students and teachers during their summer vacations, posting pictures of their travels and talking back and forth about what they are seeing and learning? That's a pretty powerful application if you ask me.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

The New Killer App For Educators  

RSS is a technology that will change your life, if you let it.over the last few years; it has become one of the building block for personal learning curriculum I have constructed for myself also called aggregator  or feed collector .The aggregator check the feeds you subscribe to, usually every hour and it collects all the new content  from those sites you are subscribed to.

A bit of advice: go slowing. If you really want to understand the potential of RSS,take a week or two to work  through the techniques.

bloggers who use their full names more than anonymous authors. It also give the opportunity to see if I can find out more about them through a Google search

Reader has a pretty cool option that lets you create your own bloggy page of items that you find most interesting so other people on the Web can read those items too. So, you've got your favorite Weblog and media feeds in your aggregator, and you're starting to get the hang of this "getting the good stuff when I want it" concept. Weblog software like WordPress and Blogger allow you to import RSS feeds into pages you create for your or your students' sites. It's one reason why I think RSS could be a great help for the media- and information-literacy skills students lack.       

RSS is a powerful, flexible tool that I think will be changing our information gathering habits for years to come. If you don't try any other tool in this book, you simply have to start using RSS. Remember: Resistance is futile

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

The best way to fully understand the potential of weblog as a teaching and learning tool is to become a blogger.posting on other people`s blogs before you can start your own is a great way to get the feel of publishing your thoughts, just wait until that first person responds to something you`ve written. That’s when you will truly start to understand the power of the read/write web.

The more documentation and back up you have from students, parents and administrations in terms of clarifying the use of the tool the better it will be. When overseeing student blogs, the teacher's role becomes that of connector, not just evaluator. As you read what students write, try to respond by commenting back when appropriate. And link to the best student posts and ideas in the class blog.

Finally, you may want to consider giving each student his or her own blog. But before you do, make sure you and your students are totally comfortable with the technology and with the concept of reading and working Online.
Although I believe that allowing students to personalize their spaces makes them more invested in their blogs, I also feel that it makes the assessment more difficult.

Wikis pose some pedagogical challenges as well. They can be so effective at fostering collaboration that the teacher really needs to carefully examine her role in their use. As I noted previously, early, implementations of wikis in educational settings have shown that the more autonomy teachers give to students in terms of negotiating the scope and quality of the content they are creating, the better. It's a very democratic process of knowledge creation.Or how about doing a book study on a wiki? That's what Georgia teacher Shelley Paul did when her students read Turn Homeward. Hannalee by Patricia Beatty ( The class wiki has all sorts of student created content that gives context to the work, everything from interviews with storytellers, to presentations about local mills that are similar to those in the story, to all sorts of reference pages that explain parts of the text. The whole site provides a great deal of information that others can use in the study of the book.

Creating your wiki is as easy as filling in the form on the page linked above, a process that takes maybe 45 seconds if you're a fast typist. (A minute if not.) Enter a username, a password, and a working e-mail address, click the "yes" button to make a wiki, give your wiki a name (no spaces allowed, by the way), select the type of wiki you want (most educators pick "protected" to start), click the box to certify that you're using it for educational purposes, and you're up and running. All you need to do is click the "Edit This Page" icon when your wiki site appears and you can start creating the content on your site.

Regardless of how educators feel about the potential of wikis, and I can understand the hesitancy many teachers feel, one thing remains certain: The collaborative environment that wikis facilitate can teach students much about how to work with others, how to create community, and how to operate in a world where the creation of knowledge and information is more and more becoming a group effort